Monday, March 4, 2013

First things first: what this blog is all about

This first post in the world of blogging for me is, in my opinion, not a real post! This is basically me, testing it out so that I can figure out how to make my blog look better and easier to read.

Also, why is my blogging thingy not spell checking me?? Crap, anyone who reads this can expect a lot of typos.

I decided to start a blog because my husband bought and built me a computer this past week and i decided this thing was so expensive it needs to be used for more things than just looking up recipes, googling coloring pages for the primary class I teach and occasionally playing online games with my husband.

This post is a disclaimer to all who read it: I'm not writing this for other people, I'm writing this for me (and to embarrass my children when they decide to show their grand kids what Great Grandma used to be like sometime in the future). Don't expect me to be politically correct. DO expect some nitty gritty details that will help you get the picture, but might skeeve you out a bit.

Oh hey, my spell check started working. I guess I need a grammar check too.

This blog is going to be stories about my husband and me, strating with how we first met accidentally and didnt remember each other, and continue as our lives progress, including our children (of course!), these stories wouldn't be funny with just us 2, kids are way more funny.

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